NewsXsys Technologies

SAP BTP Services in USA


A cloud-based technology platform called SAP BTP, or SAP Business Technology Platform, unifies several enterprise applications onto a single platform. With business apps, best practices, and customization options for companies of all sizes

SAP BTP Services in UAE


SAP Business Technology Platform is an evolution of the SAP NetWeaver platform, providing a holistic, intelligent foundation to power digital transformation. By uniting capabilities including application development, integration

SAP Business Technology Platform


The SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is a platform that unifies the capabilities of application development, automation, integration, data and analytics, and artificial intelligence under one roof. The SAP BTP stack is the foundation

Integration Package on SAP Cloud


NewsXsys Technologies is consistently working with technology innovation and Integration Package on SAP Cloud. With the evolution of SAP Cloud Platform integration. Additionally, we came up with the latest integration package. Also, on Retail Point of Sale integration with SAP IS-Retail.